Monday 1 July 2019

TV advert analysis


Name of chocolate bar-snickers 




Target market-all ages both genders


Length of advert -31 seconds long


Sound diegetic/ non-diegetic – is diegetic as all noises in the commercial are in the video and there is no sound added in afterwards. The tank has its own sound as it destroys cars, fences etc. There is also noise from characters which is in the video.


Number of shots – 17


Shot types – ls, ms, cu, ecu,


Voice over- voiceover at the end of the commercials Mr T says snickers get some nuts


Quality of chocolate – high end: Thornton’s


                                     Mid-range – Cadbury, Nestle


                                     Low end – shops own 


Location- on a football field in England and a street where the tank drives through. Very low costs.